
No. 366 - Be Holy in All Your Conduct

The Call to Spiritual Holiness  Be Holy in All Your Conduct 1 Peter 1:15 "But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."   Prayer   Dear God, help me to reflect Your holiness in every part of my life. Guide me to live in a way that honours You and follows Your example. In Jesus' name. Amen.   Background   In 1 Peter 1, the Apostle Peter writes to the Christians scattered across various regions, encouraging them to live a holy life. He reminds them that God, who called them, is holy and expects them to be holy in their behaviour. Peter ’s letter was written to strengthen believers facing trials and to urge them to remain steadfast in their faith by living according to God's standards. Today’s focus on holiness wraps up our weekly theme and underscores the call to reflect God’s purity in our lives. Be Encouraged   The call to holiness in 1 Peter 1:15 is both a challenge and a promise. For instance, if you have been struggling

No. 365 - Enduring in Faith to Inherit the Kingdom of God

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Enduring in Faith to Inherit the Kingdom of God Galatians 5:21 "Envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. "  Prayer   Dear Lord, grant me the strength to endure in faith and to reject any behaviour that would hinder my inheritance of Your kingdom. Help me to live a life pleasing to You and to persevere until the end. In Jesus' name. Amen .  Background   In Galatians 5, the Apostle Paul addresses the believers in Galatia about the fruits of the Spirit versus the works of the flesh. He warns that those who continue to live in sin, such as envy, drunkenness, and other such behaviours, will not inherit the kingdom of God. This letter was written to guide Christians on living a life in accordance with the Spirit, encouraging them to avoid the actions that lead to spiritual ruin. T

No. 364 - Cleansing the Heart of Sorcery and False Beliefs

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Cleansing the Heart of Sorcery and False Beliefs Acts 19:19-20 "Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed."   Prayer Dear Lord, help me to identify and reject any sorcery or false beliefs in my life. Cleanse my heart and mind to follow Your truth and live in accordance with Your will. In Jesus' name. Amen. Background   In Acts 19, the Apostle Paul was in Ephesus, a city known for its practice of magic and idolatry. Many new believers were formerly involved in these practices. Upon their conversion, they took drastic steps to rid themselves of their old ways. They gathered their magic books and burned them publicly, demonstrating their rejection of sorcery and false beliefs. This act of cleansing not only showed their commitm

No. 363 - Living in Peace: Resisting Outbursts of Wrath

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Living in Peace: Resisting Outbursts of Wrath James 1:19-20 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."   Prayer   Dear Lord, help me to be quick to listen and slow to anger. Teach me to respond with grace and patience, avoiding outbursts that disrupt peace and hinder Your righteousness. In Jesus' name. Amen.   Background   James 1 addresses how believers should respond to trials and temptations. In verses 19 and 20, James gives practical advice for living a life that honours God. He advises believers to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. James explains that human anger does not lead to the righteousness that God desires. This advice is crucial for living in harmony with others and reflecting God's character in our actions. Be Encouraged   Managing our temper can be challenging, esp

No. 362 - Identifying and Rejecting Idolatry in Everyday Life

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Identifying and Rejecting Idolatry in Everyday Life ­1 Corinthians 10:14 "Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry."   Prayer   Dear God, grant me the wisdom to recognise and reject any form of idolatry in my life. Help me to stay true to You and not be swayed by the distractions of this world. In Jesus' name. Amen.   Background   In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul warns the believers in Corinth about the dangers of idolatry by reminding them of the Israelites' failures in the wilderness. He explains that although the people were blessed with spiritual privileges, their lack of faith and their participation in idolatrous practices led to their downfall. In verse 14, Paul urges Christians to flee from idolatry, stressing that it is not just about physical idols but also about putting anything before God in our lives. This call to flee from idolatry is a call to keep our devotion pure and focused on God alone. Be Encouraged   Ide

No. 361 - Choosing Holiness Over Worldliness

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Choosing Holiness Over Worldliness Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Prayer   Dear God, help me to resist the pressures of this world and to be transformed by Your Spirit. Guide me in choosing holiness over worldliness each day. In Jesus' name. Amen. Background   In Romans 12, Paul urges believers to live a life that is pleasing to God by offering themselves as living sacrifices. He stresses the need for a transformation that comes through the renewing of the mind. Verse 2 calls for believers to avoid being shaped by the values and customs of this world. Instead, we should let God renew our minds, which will help us understand and follow His perfect will. This renewal involves rejecting worldly behaviours and adopting a lifestyle that reflects God's holiness. Be Encouraged   Ch

No. 360 - Walking in the Spirit: Abandoning the Works of the Flesh

The Call to Spiritual Holiness Walking in the Spirit: Abandoning the Works of the Flesh Galatians 5:16-17 "I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish."   Prayer   Dear Father, I ask You to guide me to walk in Your Spirit, to leave behind the desires of the flesh, and to live a life that pleases You. Help me understand how to embrace spiritual holiness each day. In Jesus' name. Amen. Background   Galatians 5 focuses on the contrast between living by the Spirit and living by the flesh. Paul explains that Christians are called to freedom, not to indulge in sinful desires but to serve one another in love. Verses 16-17 emphasise the ongoing conflict between the flesh and the Spirit. The works of the flesh lead to destruction, while walking in the Spirit brings life and

No. 359 - Overcoming Drunkenness and Revelries through Self-Control

The Consequences of Fleshly Desires Overcoming Drunkenness and Revelries through Self-Control Ephesians 5:18 "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit."   Prayer   Dear Lord, I ask for Your wisdom and strength to resist the temptations of drunkenness and excess in my life. Help me to seek Your Spirit and live a life that honours You. In Jesus' name. Amen. Background   Ephesians 5 speaks about how Christians should live as children of light, rejecting the works of darkness. Paul urges believers to be wise, redeeming the time and understanding the will of the Lord. Verse 18, in particular, contrasts being filled with wine, leading to reckless living, with being filled with the Holy Spirit, which leads to self-control and a righteous life. Paul ’s message to the Ephesian church is clear: drunkenness and revelries lead to sinful behaviour, but those who are led by the Spirit live a life that pleases God. Today's m