Finding Delight in God's Word

Let God Speak to You Through His Word

Finding Delight in God's Word

Jeremiah 15:16 (ESV) "Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts."


Jeremiah, often referred to as the "weeping prophet," lived in a challenging time when he had to deliver harsh messages of judgment to the people of Judah. Amidst these trials, Jeremiah found his solace in God's Word. In Jeremiah 15:16, he vividly expresses his profound experience of discovering and devouring God's words. The metaphor of eating the Word signifies his deep intake and meditation on the Scriptures, leading to an intimate connection with God. For Jeremiah, the Word of God was not just a set of rules; it was a source of joy and delight in the midst of adversity.


Jeremiah's experience is an inspiration for us all. God's Word has the power to bring joy and delight, even in the most challenging circumstances. As we continue exploring the theme "Let God Speak to You Through His Word," I encourage you to approach the Scriptures with an open heart and a hunger to discover the treasures within. Just as Jeremiah found solace and joy in God's Word, you can find comfort, guidance, and delight in your daily reading and meditation. Allow the Word of God to become the delight of your heart and a source of strength and encouragement.

Supporting Verses

Psalm 119:11 (ESV): "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."

Psalm 119:103 (ESV): "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"


Dear Lord, I desire to find the same joy and delight in your Word as Jeremiah did. Help me to seek and savor your words daily, allowing them to become a source of comfort and strength in my life. May I be called by your name and find my solace in you, the Lord God of hosts. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


God bless you

Theodore J. Quist


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