Nothing Can Separate Us from God's Love

Fellowship with God

Nothing Can Separate Us from God's Love

Romans 8:38-39 (KJV) "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


Romans 8:38-39 is a profound and reassuring passage found in the letter written by the apostle Paul to the church in Rome. In this epistle, Paul addresses the believers in Rome to emphasize the incredible depth of God's love for His children. He reminds them that nothing in all of creation, no external force or power, can separate them from the love of God. The love referenced here is primarily God's love for us. Paul wants to instill in the hearts of the Roman Christians the unshakable truth that God's love is constant, unwavering, and all-encompassing. This love extends to every aspect of our existence, be it life or death, spiritual beings or earthly trials. It is a love that transcends time and circumstances and offers the promise of eternal security. Paul's message is clear: believers can rest in the assurance that God's love is everlasting and beyond any external influence, for it is a love that endures for all eternity.

Be Encouraged

The assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God is a comforting and empowering truth. Life often throws challenges, doubts, and fears our way, but in the face of it all, we stand secure in God's love.

Think about it: neither death nor life, angels nor demons, the present nor the future, height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation can separate us from God's love. This love isn't based on our merit or performance; it's based on God's character. It's an unchanging, unwavering love that sustains us in every circumstance.

Supporting Verses

1 John 4:9-10 (ESV): "In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."

Psalm 136:26 (KJV): "O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth forever."

Let these verses remind you that you are cherished and protected by an unfailing love. In moments of doubt or uncertainty, stand firm in the knowledge that you are eternally embraced by God's love.

Share this message with others to encourage them in their faith journey, reminding them of the unbreakable bond they share with God through His love.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible love that nothing can separate us from. Help us to live each day in the assurance of Your unwavering love. May we share this message with others to bring comfort and hope. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


God bless you

Theodore J. Quist


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