No. 292 - Born Again to a Living Hope

The Victory of Christ’s Resurrection

Born Again to a Living Hope

1 Peter 1:3

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" 

Starting Prayer 

Dear Lord, as I reflect on Your Word today about being born again to a living hope through Christ's resurrection, I seek Your guidance and understanding. Help me to grasp the depth of this living hope and how it transforms my life daily. In Jesus' name. Amen. 


In 1 Peter 1, Peter writes to encourage believers who are facing persecution, reminding them of their living hope in Christ. Verse 3 specifically praises God for His mercy in causing believers to be born again to this living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This hope is not based on earthly circumstances but on the eternal promise secured by Christ's victory over death. As we meditate on this truth, we are reminded that our faith in Christ's resurrection gives us confidence and assurance, even in the midst of trials. 

Be Encouraged 

Imagine a ship navigating through stormy seas guided by a lighthouse's steady beam. Similarly, our living hope in Christ serves as our beacon, guiding us through life's challenges with unwavering assurance. Just as a seed buried in the ground springs forth as a new plant, so our lives are transformed through our spiritual rebirth in Christ, flourishing in His promises and eternal hope. 

Consider practically how this living hope impacts your daily life. It strengthens your perseverance in trials, deepens your joy in the midst of difficulties, and fuels your passion to share the gospel with others who need to experience this life-changing hope. 


Reflect on Titus 3:5, "He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit." Also, meditate on John 3:3, "Jesus answered him, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.'" 


If you have not yet obeyed the gospel, then you have not experienced the transformative power of being born again to a living hope through Christ's resurrection, I invite you to visit a nearby Church of Christ. There, you can learn more about responding to the gospel through faith (Hebrews 11:6), repentance from sin (Acts 2:38; 17:30-31), and baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38). Embrace this invitation to enter into a new life in Christ, where you will find true hope and eternal assurance. 

For those already walking in the living hope of Christ, let us continue to testify boldly to His resurrection power. Share this message of hope with others, inviting them to also experience the life-changing grace of Jesus. 

Concluding Prayer 

Thank you, Lord, for the living hope I have in Christ's resurrection. May this hope sustain me through every circumstance, reminding me of Your faithfulness and love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

May the Lord bless your day. 

Theodore J. Quist 


Church of Christ 

Abokobi - Accra 



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